When you want to reduce your reputation, you care about efficiency. And there is no more efficient method to accomplish the diminution of your public esteem than sending pink e-mail. Face it, most people hate pink promotion.
When you buy a list and send your pink promotions, you are just asking for people to throw rotten eggs at your place of business. Your home, too, if they can find it.
When you are ready to get serious, you should probably choose a serious spam list vendor. We have the most serious spam list vendors:
[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]
So, what are you waiting for? The nature of this business means that we cannot stay in one place for long, lest unhappy net users track us down, pull our fingers off, and stuff them up our arses. We would not like that, so you need to get your money to us right away before we have to leave.
She was wearing only stockings and she was seducing me. It all started with the fact that I fucked her cunt, and then she gave me a blow job. We then continued to have sex until I cum.