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MasterSam 24 y.o.
I like to see big clitoris, on girls. Show me yours!
Account Type: Points Per View
Location: United States, Detroit
Member since: 11 June, 2021 (3 years)
Birth date: 08 April, 2000
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single


Looking for:
  • Woman
  • Couple F+F
Interested in:
  • Friendship and chat
  • Relationship
  • Regular sex partner
  • One-time sex
  • Bondage

About Me

Favourite category:
I like in sex:
  • Ass Fuck
  • Blowjob
  • Deep Fuck
  • Bondage
  • Cumshot
  • Masturbating
  • Extreme
  • Sex Toys
  • Fisting
  • Licking
I like sex positions:
  • Standart
  • Doggy
  • Sixty-nine "69"
  • Cowgirl
  • Standing
I speak:
  • English
Bad habits:
    Not specified

Physical information

    72 inches
    180 lbs
Body Type:
    Ask me
Eye color:
    Ask me
Hair color:
    Ask me
Hair length:
    Ask me
I have:
    Not specified

Contact information

IM username/ID:

Additional information

    ask me
    Truck driver cross country long hale
    Trained as a Master in BDSM lifestyle. Drive a truck, so driving is what I do to pay the bills. Control and being in charge is my true interest.
Favourite movies, music, books:
    As driver, I don't get to watch TV or movies, western stale music, or anything you can dance to. The Bible is the only book I have with me to read.
    Not specified
About me:
    Are you here to serve or here to be served? You were looking for your pleasure to be, or you want to give pleasure. I am looking for someone who knows the answer to these questions.
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Added: June 11, 2021
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20 September, 2024
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3 years ago user MasterSam changed his profile status.
3 years ago user MasterSam updated his profile.
3 years ago user MasterSam added comment to video
Popular interracial doggy fuck clip
3 years ago user MasterSam changed his profile status.
3 years ago user MasterSam changed his profile photo.