The Biggest Collection of Homemade Videos
pari0510 35 y.o.
[email protected] ships your goods and money
Account Type: Points Per View
Location: China, Hong Kong
Member since: 10 May, 2024 (4 months)
Birth date: 10 March, 1989
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single


Looking for:
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Couple
Interested in:
  • Friendship and chat
  • Sex for money
  • Bondage

About Me

Favourite category:
I like in sex:
  • Ass Fuck
  • Blowjob
  • Bondage
I like sex positions:
  • Standart
  • Doggy
  • Cowgirl
I speak:
  • English
  • Russian
  • Chinese
Bad habits:
  • Light Drugs

Physical information

    68 inches
    155 lbs
Body Type:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length:
I have:
    Not specified

Contact information

IM username/ID:
    86-153-61032131 at Skype

Additional information

    Pink Promotion
    Shipping has gotten expensive, especially if you use name-brand vendors. Fortunately you do not have to be so restricted.
Favourite movies, music, books:
    We now have fully-qualified strangers like [email protected] who will be happy to accept consignments of goods to be shipped between nearly any two points you could name. For instance, from your factory to a buyer warehouse. Or from a vendor factory to your warehouse. Even from the rail yard to the rubbish tip. There is just no end to the options.
    Not specified
About me:

Member's Activity

Profile viewed: 80 times
Videos watched: 21 videos
Albums watched: 0 albums
1 - 1 of 1 albums

pari0510's Photos

Profile Photos

Added: May 10, 2024
1 1.5
Show all 1 - 6 of 15 videos

pari0510's Favourite Videos

pari0510's Blog

Hong Kong
10 May, 2024

Our logistics experts have been fully vetted:
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]
+ [email protected]

When you send money abroad to strangers lacking real names, real addresses, and real phones, you should not be surprised.

Hong Kong
10 May, 2024
When you work with our dodgy logistics specialists, there are so many great options to choose from:

+ container goes to our storage yard
+ strangers plunder the container
+ we accept shipping fee and leave the stuff
+ we arrange for actual shipment
+ we re-sell contents of your container
+ container goes directly to our resale agent
+ for modest fee we return container to you

The only way to find out is to get started!

Ask me city
28 September, 2024
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pari0510's Friends

Doesn't have friends.

pari0510's Events

4 months ago user pari0510 added message to his (her) own wall.
4 months ago user pari0510 added comment to video
Becky parts her pussy lips
4 months ago user pari0510 added message to his (her) own wall.
4 months ago user pari0510 updated his profile.
4 months ago user pari0510 changed his profile status.
4 months ago user pari0510 changed his profile photo.