The Biggest Collection of Homemade Videos
elbahzbeh 43 y.o.
Account Type: Points Per View
Location: hidden, Ask me
Member since: 11 August, 2013 (11 years)
Birth date: 09 December, 1980
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Not specified


Looking for:
  • Woman
Interested in:
  • Relationship

About Me

Favourite category:
    Not specified
I like in sex:
  • Ass Fuck
  • Deep Fuck
I like sex positions:
  • Doggy
I speak:
  • English
Bad habits:
  • Smoking
  • Drinking

Physical information

    182 cm
    78 kg
Body Type:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length:
I have:
    Not specified

Additional information

    some collge
    Not specified
    Not specified
Favourite movies, music, books:
    Not specified
    Not specified
About me:
    Thank you for viewing my profile. As I am of Dutch origin (Suriname based) my English isn't top of the bill. Forgive my mistakes, ok? LOL! No, just kidding... Sure I like some horny stuff too, but that's a matter of taste I think. I am into straight sex and sure I like a big ass 'n boobs. Also do appreciate women whom can perform a good act of deepthroating... I love real sex, so therefore a big fan of real amateurs! I prefer BBW of all kinds. Asian, Black of White...We are all people, right? That doesn't mean that I dislike thin women. I respect everyone [whom is intelligent enough to be nice, honest and horny]...;-) But I believe that a woman needs a full body. That's my motto; "Real Women Have Curves"! Peace! BTW...No dick avatars or no photo / vid on profiles, please. If you have nothing uploaded , don't add me. You will not be accepted

Member's Activity

Profile viewed: 298 times
Videos watched: 5 videos
Albums watched: 1 albums
1 - 1 of 1 albums

elbahzbeh's Photos

Profile Photos

Added: August 11, 2013
1 2 3 3.5

elbahzbeh's Blog

Ask me city
28 September, 2024
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elbahzbeh's Friends

Doesn't have friends.

elbahzbeh's Events

11 years ago user elbahzbeh changed his profile photo.
11 years ago user elbahzbeh updated his profile.